Regular Meeting – June 7, 2016


I.           CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Bill Britton at 1000 hrs.  Members present:  George Owen, Arden Potter, and Larry Helsley.  Members absent: Michael Williams. Others present: Chief Frank DeNatale, Michael Celentano, and Clerk Lisa Guglielmina. 



A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2016 (in lieu of May 3)–

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

C.    Approve Budget Transfer -

MSC Owen/Helsley to approve the consent agenda as presented.


III.       PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of the Weaverville Fire Protection District Preliminary Budget for FY 2016/2017.

Public Hearing was opened at 1005 hrs.  Discussion on budgeted items.

Public Hearing closed at 1015 hrs.

MSC Owen/Helsley to approve the preliminary budget for the Weaverville Fire Protection District for FY 2016/2017.  Vote: Ayes – 4, Noes – 0, Abstain – 0, Absent – 1


IV.       ITEM OF IMMEDIATE NEED:  Chairman, Bill Britton called for an Item of Immediate Need presented by Commissioner, Larry Helsley: 

Discuss/Approve using Engine 3 in the 4th of July parade for Mr. Richard Berrien – Discussion on the parade and the needs of Mr. and Mrs. Berrien and family to participate.  Discussion on why Engine 3 is needed.

MSC Owen/Potter to approve the use of Engine 3 in the 4th of July parade for Mr. Richard Berrien


V.         ACTION ITEMS:

A. Discussion/Approve Resolution 16-2 Identifying the terms and conditions for Fire Department response away from their official duty station and assigned to an emergency incident- Short discussion on requirements.

MSC Potter/Helsley to approve Resolution 16-2 Identifying the terms and conditions for Fire Department response away from their official duty station and assigned to an emergency incident. Vote: Ayes – 4, Noes-0, Abstain-0, Absent-1.

B. Discuss/Approve Resolution 16-3 a Resolution of the Weaverville Fire Protection District adopting the annual appropriations limit for fiscal year 2016/2017. – Short discussion on requirements. 

MSC Helsley/Potter to adopt Resolution 16-3 a Resolution of the Weaverville Fire Protection District adopting the annual appropriations limit for fiscal year 2016/2017.  Vote: Ayes-4, Noes-0, Abstain-0, Absent-1.

C.  Discuss/Approve sending an engine to Danny Miller’s memorial - Short discussion on memorial- July 16, 2016 at the 1st Baptist Church in Weaverville.

MSC Potter/Owen to approve sending 1-2 firefighters in uniform and E-2131 to Danny Miller’s memorial. 



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief DeNatale reported on Title III; Discussion on fire hydrants and weed abatement around them.  Does not fall in the scope of the Title III grant.  Past programs not available.  Discussion on blue reflector tape on hydrants.   

B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:   

·        SCHMRT drill

·        Rediness drill

·        OES meeting

·        OES letter re: WT-32

·        Inspection at the theatre

·        Tops Superfoods: locked door

·        Captain’s meeting

·        Home Fire Campaign with the Red Cross

·        Inspector 2 – requires more tests

C.    Fire Department Report: 5 members are qualified as Crew Boss.  Larry Horrocks was promoted to an Engineer.  Small grass fire behind bowling alley.  Small structure fire on North Street.  

D.    Sleeper Program Reports: Chief reported on sleeper for station one.  Station 2 needs a sleeper and yard maintenance.        

E.     Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee: No report.

·        Collection Committee: No report

·        Contract Committee: No report

·        Tuition Committee: No report

·        Budget Committee:  No report

·        Financial Committee: Waiting for Terri McBrayer, Tax Collector to get back to us.  Commissioner Potter will call Angie Bickle.  

F.     Director Reports: Helsley – Discussion on SCBA drills for USFS.  Complimented the hazard reduction crew on the work done on Weeks lane.  Potter – questions on OES WT-32.  Britton-short discussion on Chief’s review scheduled for next month.   


VII.                    PUBLIC COMMENTS: Michael Celentano, CPA introduced himself, would like to be considered in the bidding process for annual audit.



IX.       ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1124 hrs.     




__________________________                                    __________________________

Bill Britton, Chairman                                                 Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board